Dear Friends,
Just like last month, there are many exciting things going on at Ella’s Closet. The youth groups participating in Collaborate worked on the remodel June 20-23. A big thank you to Youth for America, FBC Blend Youth Group, Caroline Key, and Andrea Nichols for nominating and choosing Ella’s Closet as the 3rd $1K Thought winner. You can check out the video of the entire week of Collaborate 2016 at Check our website for pictures of the completed remodel.
Representatives from Ella’s Closet, along with the Levins & Key families, accepted a check for $1,000 during the Sunday night service kick-off service for Collaboration week from Youth for America. Even Raelynn was there looking as cute as ever and supporting her big sister’s ministry.
One of the workshops we had during June was a GED placement test and preparedness class for those interested in obtaining their GED. Most of the participants aren’t very fluent in the English language. If you have ever tutored someone or are interested in teaching someone to read we would love for you to contact us. These women know some spoken English, but need to learning how to read it.
Bible Study classes are very popular, and Ms. Jan will continue these through the summer months. Ms. Karen is continuing with the Healthy Relationship classes. We are happy to announce that we have expanded our workshops to the Pahokee area. Look out South Bay! We have our sites on you! We are also having Infant/Child CPR class in Belle Glade and Pahokee. There is also a 10-week parenting class being offered.
Jen from the Art Cellar Wellington was back again this month teaching the women how to make tassel necklaces. 100% of the sales from these necklaces go to support Ella’s Closet. They can be found online at under the jewelry section. We are so thankful for Jen volunteering her time and talent to Ella’s Closet.
Also, when you make a purchase at or, a portion of your purchase will be donated to Ella’s Closet when you choose us as your charity.
Be sure to check back for pictures from all of our summer activities and don’t forget to check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and our website
There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world!
With Love,
Debra Allen
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