Dear Friends,
There are many exciting things happening at Ella’s Closet. The one thing that we are really excited about was the birth of Ella’s baby sister, Raelynn Scott. She was welcomed with open arms by her family on April 30 and mom, dad, and baby are doing great.
We are currently looking into expanding the closet. Our remodel will include a private office for our manager, Tandra, a playroom for the children and an expansion of the closet itself. The youth groups participating in Collaboration Week in June will be working on the remodel. The money we won from the Serve Your City award will be used for this project. We are very excited about this and will let you know when it’s finished so you can take a peek.
During May, we took 17 mothers on Mother’s Day excursion. We started out at the Lighthouse Café where young ladies from Glades Day School volunteered their time to give manicures to our moms. Thank you, GDS students! We appreciate you! Next, they climbed aboard the First Baptist Church bus for a road trip to West Palm Beach to enjoy an all-you-can-eat meal at Golden Corral. After their meal, each mom was presented with a beautiful rose and a small gift as a reminder of how proud we are of the great mothers they are striving to be. A good time was had by all! Thanks to the Josh and Eric from the First Baptist Church for the transportation.
Jenn from the Art Cellar Wellington came and taught a bracelet making class. Our moms made numerous bracelets that can be purchased at WWW.CLOTHED4APURPOSE.COM . For each bracelet sold, 100% goes directly back to Ella’s Closet.
We are also continuing our Enrichment Bible Study on Wednesdays at 1:00pm but are adding a traditional Bible Study to follow at 2:00pm which will be open to anyone and you may join at any time. The moms wanting to start the traditional Bible Study met on May 9 and designed their own personal covers for their Bibles with duct tape. Jeanette Johnson helped with this project and the Bibles turned out beautiful!
Upcoming classes will include Domestic Abuse (May 12), Healthy Relationships (May 19) and in June, we are having a class on Abstinence and Hurricane Preparedness.
This was our first year participating in the Great Give sponsored by The United Way and The Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties. We are pleased to announce that Ella’s Closet received $7,615.00 BEFORE the bonus pool match. We won’t know our totals until Friday, May 20 but we are excited with what we did receive so far and are thankful to all who donated.
With the summer coming we are looking forward to some fun mom/child activities. Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and our website WWW.ELLASCLOSET.ORG for pictures of all of our activities.
There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world!
With Love,
Debra Allen